英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:53:03

to a certain extent

英 [tu: ə ˈsə:tn iksˈtent]

美 [tu e ˈsɚtn ɪkˈstɛnt]


  • 网络解释

1. to a certain extent的解释

1. 在一定程度上:stick to 坚持 | to a certain extent 在一定程度上 | to one's satisfaction 使......满意

2. to a certain extent的近义词

2. 从某种意义上:185:the point of concern 值得关注的一点、问题 | 187:to a certain extent 从某种意义上 | 188:to one's credit 归功于(某人),值得赞扬

3. 在某种程度上:thanks to 幸亏,由于 | to a certain extent 在某种程度上 | take up 占(空间)

4. 某种程度上:exert 发挥 | to a certain extent 某种程度上 | domestic 国内的

In this they were successful to a certain extent.(在某种程度上他们成功了。)
Traditional redundancy methods, such as clustering, can only help to a certain extent.(传统的冗余方法,例如集群技术,只能在一定程度上有所帮助。)
It's clearly in SEI's purview to assess and validate what an organization does and, to a certain extent, how they do it.(按照SEI的规定,很清楚地评估和验证一个组织做什么,以及在某种程度上,他们如何完成。)
Enforce the defined traceability strategy to a certain extent.(在一定程度上执行确定的追溯策略。)
Oncology drugs to a certain extent have served as a kind of role model for other therapeutic areas.(肿瘤药物在一定程度上为其它治疗领域起着一种示范作用。)
Private money can fill the gap to a certain extent, as Geron and Advanced Cell Technology demonstrate.(正如杰龙和先进细胞技术所证明的,私人资金可以在一定程度上填补空白。)
That's true, to a certain extent.(在一定程度上的确如此。)
To a certain extent this rebalancing process has already begun.(在某种cheng上来说,从外需向内需的平衡转移过程已经开始了。)
To a certain extent, this is what a browser does for certain XML (and XML-like) formats, such as HTML or SVG.(在某种程度上,浏览器会对某些XML(和类xml)格式,比如HTML或SVG,进行这种文档到视图的转换。)
While compression helps to a certain extent, bitmaps still tend to be larger than vector images.(然而压缩带来的帮助是有限度的,位图依然比矢量图形大很多。)
to a certain extent是什么意思 to a certain extent在线翻译 to a certain extent什么意思 to a certain extent的意思 to a certain extent的翻译 to a certain extent的解释 to a certain extent的发音 to a certain extent的同义词